My Web Sites

Here are some links to my other websites for reference. If you want to know what services I offer and what interests me, then these are good places to look for more information.

My Website -

This is where to find out about what I do for a living, how to get in touch with me and see some of the software I have written.

My Publishing Site -

This is where you will find links to all of the books that I create. There's a large (and quite costly) coffee-table size book from each of my trips to Africa as well as links to some of my longer-form paperback publications.

My Photo Site -

This is where I intended to put my photo portfolio - it's so difficult to keep up to date that I've really moved many of them to Facebook. (See Below)

My Facebook

I don't do as much here as I would like, but it's a useful place to catch me when I'm travelling and also a place to find some photos.