Wednesday 27 December 2017

GDPR Software Toolkit

Well, the weather hasn't been great for the last few weeks, limiting my ability to get out with the drone or the camera quite severely. I may edit a couple of timelapses that I've taken into one video and post that soon though.

Fortunately, I have plenty of programming work to be going on with, indeed more that I've ever had to do before. I've been bug-fixing the SimpleShop X2 program code extensively as Watsons Nurseries have now switched to the new system.

I'm also doing a lot of work related to the upcoming requirements for GDPR compliance, a requirement for all businesses, however small. I've been asked to help a couple of organisations get their GDPR compliance in order and have written some software tools to help me make this happen.

Take a look at this page to find out more about what I've been up to throughout December.